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(Very) Probable parents of Walter Woodworth of Scituate, b 1608

 The parents of Walter Woodworth of Scituate have very probably been found.  There is no present means of confirmation, but the facts look encouraging that Henrye Woodworth and Jonne Webe are the parents of Walter b 1608 of Scituate.

 The people involved in finding Walter’s possible parents are Harry Woodworth of NJ; Ron Lankshear of Sydney, Australia; Susan Moore of CT; and Robin Davis of NC.  The source of information are listings in 

     The factors that cause the above Walters of Staffordshire and Scituate to appear to be the same person are:

1.  The name “Woodworth” is uncommon in England, and the name “Walter” there is rare.
2.  The date of 1608 for birth and christening for the Staffordshire Walter is within the range of our Scituate Walter’s lifetime events.
3.   DNA for two individuals with surnames Bagnall and Hall match our Walter of Scituate. Those two individuals trace their origin to Staffordshire, meaning that the DNA of our Walter Woodworth was in the Staffordshire area.   . 
4.   Walter of Scituate named his first born son “Thomas”.  Walter of Staffordshire had an older brother named “Thomas”, and Walter could have named his first son after his brother.   

NOTE:  In, there is listed another alleged “Walter Woodworth” born 1612 in Stowe, Stafforshire, but Is in gross error, as it lists his parents as Thomas Woodward and Elizabeth Tyson, who had six children in Lancashire – not Staffordshire – and none of those children were named Walter.  Any line showing Thomas Woodward and Elizabeth of Lancashire as the parents of Walter is in error.

Birth dates for Walter and Thomas are not available, but christening dates are.   For that time period, a birth date would normally be within eight days prior to the christening date due to church protocol.  See

A will for Henrye Woodworthe would benefit the documentation of Walter of Staffordshire, but the closest will that can be found that applied to a “Henry Woodworth” of the right time period provided only questionable assistance.  Following is the will of a Henry Woodworth, found by Keith Berry of Edmonton, AB.   Unfortunately, the spouse and children of this Henry do not match the spouse Jonne and children Walter and Thomas of Stowe-by-Chartley.  Therefore, it is the wrong Henry, but it is interesting and insightful of the times.  Further, as the name is "Henry Woodworth" and the location in Yorkshire, the name suggests a close kinship to Henry of Staffordshire and a spread of Woodworths from Staffordshire to Yorkshire.  Further, in 1841, there were many Woodworths in Yorkshire.

Our thanks to Cheryl Perkins and Will Branch for transcribing the will.

Again, obviously this is the wrong Henry Woodworth in that this Henry is not the father of Walter.  However, the unusual names "Henry" and "Woodworth" would suggest that the two Henrys are closely related.
As speculation, and as brothers often name their sons after their brother, this Henry Woodworth could be a nephew of Henry, father of Walter.  But on the other hand,
St. Mary The Virgin Church, Long Preston, England, where this Henry wished to be buried is 109 miles north of Stowe-by-Chartley, Wigglesworth is 106 miles north.  The distance suggests no genetic relationship.

Will of Henry Woodworth
of Wormewood, Wigglesworth Lordship, county of York,
written 14 April 1657

In the name of God Amen the fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and seven, I Henry Woodworth of Wormewood such within the Lordship of Wigglesworth in the County of York yeoman being sick in body but whole in mind and of good and perfect remembrance praised be Almighty God for the same hoping that through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ to have pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and transgressions, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say first I remand my soul unto Almighty God my maker and redeemer and my body to be buried in the parish church or churchyard of Long Preston at the discretion of my friends and executor’s hereafter named.

Imprimis: It is my will and mind that my daughter Alice which is married to Christopher Hammerton shall have two cows and two heifers all in calf and half of my sheep, and one bay colt, and it is my will and mind that these goods above named shall be valued by four honest neighbors and after these goods be valued it is my will and mind that she shall have them made ____ either in household goods or money to the sum of twenty pounds whichever she please, and if so be that she take it in money it is my will and mind that she shall not have it paid within six months after my demise.

Item: It is my will and mind that my son Stephen Woodworth shall pay to his natural mother the sum of ten pounds out of his own proper goods as a legacy after my demise.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son-in-law John Brown of Rothwell three pounds which my son Thomas Batersby (Batirsby?) gave to me as a legacy at his demise.

Item: I give and bequeath to _____ children. I am Grandfather to every one of them, three shillings four pence to be paid at twelve months and after my demise, to as many of them as is living.

Item: I give to my son Stephen Woodworth all my husbanding goods and all other lands wood and timber about my house.

Item: I give to my daughter Alice Hammerton one pair of bedstocks now standing in the lower loft.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Stephen Woodworth five pairs of bedstocks, one cupboard, and two of my best A____, two dishboards, all my tables, farmer’s long boards, chairs and stools, and one iron chimney, Ro___ crock one _____ and _______, and one chest.

Item: it is my will and mind that my debts and funeral charges be honestly paid out of the residue of my goods by my Executors hereafter named.

Item: I give and bequeath as a gift or legacy to my daughter Alice Hammerton the sum of thirteen pounds six shillings eight pence to be paid unto her at three years and after my demise; if she be then living, and if not to go to her children.

Item: I nominate and appoint Ann Woodworth my wife and Stephen Woodworth my son sole Executors of this my last will and testament.

Item: I nominate and appoint John Howorth and William Sheppard supervisors of this my last will and testament putting such trust and confidence in them that they will see my mind fulfilled.

Witnesses hereof: John Howorth, William Sheppard, William Roberts.

This will was proved at London before the Judge for probate of wills on the twentieth day of February, One thousand six hundred Fifty Seven English Style by the oaths of Ann & Stephen Woodworth the Executors to whom was remitted Administration, they being first sworn by commission timely to administer.


(For original will see: Copy of will-of-Henry-with-line-numbers.pdf )

In the will for the above for proof that it is the "wrong Henry", there is the problem of the wife’s name being Ann rather than Jonne, and the son is a Thomas Batersby.  "Batersby" could be a last name or a middle name, or a surname change from Woodworth, or a step-son's last name.   But another record from provides additional speculation tor the names Ann, Thomas, and Arthure around Rolletson. Rolletson is 12 miles from Stowe.

More records in for Arthur, Ann, Thomas, and others don’t fall into logical arrangement for speculation except for being genetically related somehow.  

In the past there has been a belief by some that Walter of Scituate's last name was originally "Woodward", and then changed to "Woodworth".    The finding of Walter's possible parents Henry and Jonne Woodworth, and of more Woodworths in an area where Walter's DNA is found, indicates that Walter's last name was always "Woodworth".

Diane (Woodworth) Liebert has acquired copies of the original entries in the Stowe-on-Chartley church parish register for Walter and Thomas Woodworth.  However, the 400 year old register's pages have aged from oil on people's hands while handling and from aging.    We would all appreciate some deciphering experts to have a try at providing the narrative transcribed for Walter and Thomas on the church register.  The following PDF file provides copies of the register entries for Walter and Thomas.   By providing in PDF format, the reader can zoom in for details.   Click here for the Stowe register


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